Fannie Pie: April 2007

Thursday, April 26, 2007

drive by....

You Are 72% Open Minded
You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Here and gone...

I'm home for the moment. Had a great time in Mexico! Lots of family, lots of fun, lots of sun... beautiful place to relax and recharge, the biggest decision each day was pool or beach?

Here's a shot of the sock enjoying the view from my room.

I'm off again today for TLA ! Should be a great way to transition back into my real life, lots of new ideas and information to take back with me.

I look forward to catching up on everyone else when I get back!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

I'm off...

Well, almost off.... I'm packed and ready for back to back trips. One for fun and one for work ( fun first, I have my priorities straight:) I'll be home for about 15 hours in between. Hopefully I'll be rested and ready to hit the ground running when I get back.
In other news...
  • Scout turned two this week. She is actually growing up a bit, still a monster, but a mellower monster.
  • Finally made it to knit night and got to see my knitting friends. Lots of good stuff going on.
  • Went to see Earth Wind and Fire with DH and SIL.
  • Gonna be busy this spring/summer... more travel.
  • got a new phone so I won't be incommunicado in Mexico! and it has tunes... tried to put a book on it, but failed. I might actually read the manual, or not and just listed to the books on my ipod.

There has been knitting, I've finished another Cedar Creek sock ( like the Lucy socks in last post) and I'm more than halfway done with my Lara sweater. I took pictures, but the camera is packed! Someday soon, I'm going to sit down and post the ninety million pictures I've taken and catch up with this here blog deal. for real.

Hasta Proxima!

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